Maracyn Mardel Laboratories, Inc.

Maracyn is a specially compounded broad-spectrum antibiotic which has been shown to be effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish diseases.  It was developed for complete but gradual dissolution in freshwater.

For infections of: Columnaris (body fungus), fin and tail rot, Popeye, Gill disease, and secondary infections.

Indications: Maracyn is primarily effective against gram-positive pathogenic organisms.  Symptoms of clamped fins, swollen eyes, heavy or rapid breathing, patchy coloration, change in swimming behavior or corner hiding can be signs of possible bacterial infection.  All suspected bacterial infections should be treated immediately.

Administration and Dosage: Maracyn tablets should be dropped into the tank (not the filter).  The tablets dissolve rapidly and circulate throughout the water.  A dosage of one tablet per ten (10) gallons (37.85 liters) is recommended.  Repeat treatment every 24 hours for a total of five days.  Use of a hospital tank is recommended.  *be sure to treat for the full five days using the dosage recommended, even if the symptoms disappear after a few days.

Precautions: Any sudden change in aquarium conditions can be hazardous.  Make changes gradually.  Do not overdose.  Keep out of reach of children.  For aquarium use only.  This product is intended for the exclusive use with ornamental ifsh and/or other ornamental orgaisms and is not intended for use with fish for human consumption.

Active Ingredients: Each tablet contains 200 mg erythromycin.

Notes from Mardel on biological filtration: "Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas are recognized as the primary beneficial bacteria present in the biological filtration system of any aquarium.  Some drugs which treat fish diseases and parasitic infestations are harmful to these 'good' bacteria.  When the biological filter is upset, there is a buildup of ammonia and nitrite concentrations resulting in fish distress and death.  Mardel products have been tested with known strains of these bacteria with no adverse effects noted.  When used as directed, they do not interfere with the biological filter."

Maracyn is a trademark of Mardel Labs, Inc.

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