Treatment: Correct the pH level in your tank. Using the appropriate pH buffer (sodium bicarbonate) to raise the pH is suggested. Acids not containing phosphorous may be used to reduce the pH, but partial water changes to bring your tank to neutral are recommended. Correct the levels slowly, using partial water changes. The rate of change must not exceed 0.3 pH units per day. Acute acidosis/alkalosis is commonly fatal, but a return to the normal level for the puffer is the only remedy.
is caused by a pH outside the tolerance of the fish. The level will
vary from species to species. Such levels are relative to the natural
habitat of the puffer.
drops in pH are usually due to a depleted buffering capacity. Slow
decreases are normally the result of acidic byproducts of the nitrogen
cycle. Carbon dioxide bubblers can also increase the pH by producing
too much carbonic acid for the buffering capacity to handle.
most pufferfish tend to prefer alkaline conditions, extremely alkaline
conditions are problematic. This is usually seen at a pH level of
10-11. Acute alkalosis is only seen where puffers are moved from
one tank to another of drastically different pH level, or adding too much
alkaline pH adjusters. Chronic alkalosis can be caused by neglect
of ignorance, as evaporated water is replaced by mineral-rich water.
Soluble minerals seeping into the water from tank decor may also contribute
to alkalosis.
pH Shock:
In extreme cases where fish are put into new, improperly matched water
conditions, it may simply sink to the bottom, listless. It may land
sideways, or even upside-down. More commonly, no signs are seen until
18-24 hours later, which is terminal. This is when your new puff
is found dead the next "lights on" in your tank.
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